On-page SEO

A Checklist for On-page SEO Before Your Website Launch

January 13, 2022
Avatar of ChrisGreenwalty

To improve the position of a website in the search engine, we take some measures directly on the website. We call these direct measures on the website on-page SEO of that website. There are lots of benefits to the on-page SEO of a website. It is an inexpensive and powerful marketing tool for a website. By doing on-page SEO of a website, you can enjoy a permanent position in the search engines. It is also the best way to increase the CTR of a website. You can also enhance the page speed and uniqueness of a website by doing its on-page SEO. Before launching a website, you should make sure that you have properly done its on-page SEO. Here, we will share a checklist for on-page SEO of a website that you should check before launching it.

Create a Live Domain:

When your website is live, search engines will start to rank and crawl your website. The older websites will perform well in search engines than new websites. While creating a live domain, if you don’t have content, you can set up the homepage of your website. On this homepage, you can share a roadmap for future content. This thing has minimal benefits for the on-page SEO of your website. Anyhow, you should use this strategy to gain a higher ranking in the search engines.

Solidify the Structure of Your Website for better On-page SEO:

The structure and navigation of your website are the most important components of your website. No doubt, almost all website owners have thought about these components. Now, we have to think about the future implications of these important components of a website. While solidifying the structure of your website, you should keep the most important information in the most prominent place. This prominent information on your website will convey the message of your brand. You should avoid the use of too many subcategories on your website. When you will solidify the structure of your website, you will get a higher ranking in the search engine.

Descriptive URL Structure:

The URL structure of your website is not a direct ranking signal for your website. Anyhow, it plays some indirect impacts in enhancing the ranking of your website. You should try to create a descriptive URL structure for your website. When you will create a descriptive URL of your website, you can get more clicks to your website. This thing will increase the CTR of your website. Due to higher CTR, you can easily increase the ranking of your website. You should try to adjust your keyword in the URL of your website. Anyhow, you should avoid keyword stuffing.

Optimize the Speed of Your Website:

If you want to retain visitors to your website and decrease the bounce rate of your website, you should optimize the speed of your website. Due to the higher speed of your website, you will be one step ahead of your business website. Nowadays, almost 70 per cent of websites are taking seven seconds to load the data. Some websites are taking more than 20 seconds to load the data. While optimizing the speed of your website, you should know that your website should load just within three seconds. If your website will take more than three seconds to load the data, visitors will leave your website. To check the speed of your website, you can use GooglePage Speed Insights. When you will check the speed of your website by using this tool, you can get an idea about the errors in your website. After removing these errors, you can easily optimize the speed of your website.

Mobile Friendliness:

Research by a dissertation help firm shows that the preference for smartphone browsing is increasing day by day. That’s why the mobile version of the website is more important than ever before. Before launching a website, you should check the mobile-friendliness of your website. You can easily make your website mobile-friendly while developing it. When we talk about the mobile-friendliness of a website, you will have to consider lots of things. First of all, you will have to check the page loading time of a website. Secondly, you will have to optimize the size of the text. Thirdly, you will have to pay attention to the navigation of the website. At last, you should check the reflexive formatting of your website.

Install Analytics and Tracking Tools:

It is the most important thing that you should do before pre-launching your marketing campaign. When you will install analytics and tracking tools, you can easily track the visitors to your website. For this reason, Google Analytics and Google Search Console are the best tools for you. By using these two tools, you can get complete information about the performance of your website. If your website is facing some problems, you can remove these issues before launching your website. You can also make use of these tools after launching your website. For example, you can get important information about the bounce rate of your website and much more. If the bounce rate of your website is increasing, you can take some solid measures to decrease it.

Focus on Optimization of the Content:

It is also an important thing to consider while launching a website. You will have to consider it at the end of the on-page SEO of your website. Before thinking about this step, you should make sure that you have optimized the internal structure of your website. To optimize the content of your website, you will have to focus on lots of things. First, you should find out the suitable keywords. Secondly, you should create unique and original content by following these keywords. You should never forget to adjust your keywords in the first one hundred and fifty words. Thirdly, you should divide the content by using H1, H2 and H3 tags. Fourthly, you should also adjust your keywords in the Meta description and URL. While creating the content, you should make sure that the keyword density should not exceed two per cent.

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