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Three Key Steps To Ensure SEO Success

March 12, 2021
Avatar of Mansi Rana

Do you think that SEO is a complex task? Yes, it is complex, but you can make it as simple as possible. SEO success is what every online business wants these days but there is a huge competition. Before you start doing anything for SEO success you need to ask yourself a few questions. What do you do to stand out from the crowd and are your SEO strategies more effective than your competitors? All these questions will tell you where you stand. 

But the point is how to get success in SEO services. Thousands of ways, tips and tricks are available on the web. But we are here with the three key steps to ensure SEO success for any business. No matter which industry or sector you belong to, you can use these three key steps. They are a must for every online business. 

Following are these three steps to ensure SEO success for anyone. Let’s explain all these three steps in more detail. 

  • STEP 1: Identify Audience
  • STEP 2: Create Valuable Content
  • STEP 3: Optimize The Content Effectively

STEP 1: Identify Right Audience

The first step is to identify the right audience — if you are serving pizza to the person who demands pancakes, then no one is going to like your pizza. Simply putting, you have to find people who show interest in your business, product or service. So identifying the right audience doesn’t mean that you have to target a specific group only. These days you need to get more deep metrics about your audience. Following are some details that you must have in your hand before targeting any audience.

Know Them Personally

Try to know your audience more personally. Know about their location, their opinions on social issues, their environmental preferences and much more. Thorough research about the audience is required. 

Know Their Problems

Knowing the problems of your customers will help you promote the right product in the form of a solution in front of them. It will help you improve the overall quality of your service or product.

Know Their Interests

What interests your audience more? Know about the topics of their interests, try to find out their choices in various segments from food to electronics. Try to get a strong buyer persona for your SEO campaign or marketing campaign.

Hit On Them Emotionally

Neglecting the emotions that your audience have inside them is the key mistake that most online marketers make. You have to find the areas of emotion about your audience. Try to hit on them emotionally with your approach.

STEP 2: Create Useful Content

After you gathered much information about your audience, now is the right time to serve them useful and valuable content. No matter what is your content planning, you have to change it if it is not suitable for the target audience. You have to create content for the audience and not for yourself. So try to pay much more attention to the content quality and its relevance to the target audience. 

Create Solutions

Talking about the problems that your audience is facing is one side of the story. The other side of the story is to create solutions for those problems. Try to figure out more ideas on solutions. Try to make your content more solution-centric. 

Use The Same Tone

Your content should be created in the same tone as your audience. If you cannot match with their tone then you cannot connect personally with them.

Raise Issues

Write content that raises forgotten issues related to the society, community and the audience personally. 

STEP 3: Optimize The Content Effectively

Now you have the right target audience, useful content and the last step is to optimize and promote your content perfectly and effectively. Following are some of the steps that you must have to follow to optimize your content to get reached to more people.

Research & Target Right Keywords

Find the right keywords for your content and website. Try to choose a mixture of keywords such as high volume and high competition keywords, low volume and low competition keywords. 

Use Variety Of Keywords

Try to use a variety of keywords such as branded keywords, LSI keywords, location-targeted keywords, etc. 

Optimize Every Single Corner Of Site & Posts

Not only the body of the content but you need to optimize every single corner of the site and blog posts. From page titles to meta description, everything should be optimized.


No one can stop you to get SEO success if you follow these three basic but necessary steps. Any SEO packages or SEO campaign will have to add these three major steps. The audience, Optimization, and Content, these three factors are going to decide whether your website will rank higher on the search engine result pages (SERPs) or not. So it is really important for you as a business to focus more on these three major factors. 

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Avatar of Mansi Rana

My name is Mansi Rana, I’m the Managing Director of EZ Rankings - SEO reseller company . I’m really interested in creating a great piece to add to all the great stuff you currently have up. My work has appeared on, Growmap, Tweakyourbiz, Sitepronews, and Clutch among others.

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